Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Now Showing: Daddy Green Bomb

Ever heard something like this before? An eco-friendly bomb. How eco-friendly can a bomb that can evaporate all things alive be?

The Russians must be applauded and even awarded for this fantastic powerful nanotechnology-driven mass-destructive innovation. They have created this VACUUM BOMB, which, despite being the most powerful bomb on the face of the earth, does NOT harm the environment one bit! They will be awarded the Green Nobel or Green Whatever for this “Dad of all Bombs,” even as I wonder how could this possibly be? How can whatever kills ever be friendly, eco or not? Does its being non-nuclear make it eco-friendly?

To me this seems like the birth (rebirth?) of another long Cold War. Or did the Cold War never really die? Was it on a summer break to be back with a BANG? Oh what a bang this was. Photographs seem like scenes from some sci-fi film shot on barren land.

If the Americans could make the massive ordnance air blast bomb (MOAB) and call it Mother of All Bombs, why should the Russians not make the FOAB or DOAB? (the jury is out on what to call it—Dad or Father). Some things NEVER change. They are never meant to.

While the warring world makes its Mommy-Daddy bombs, the rest of us can just wait till life goes up in smoke.

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